House of Literature Bookmobile

This is the place I share book (movie) selections and reviews I have found worth mentioning. I'll also share gleanings of family life, faith, home education, and ongoing writing projects. Book selections will include children's books, books on home education, Catholic books, classics, series, raising children, and books that are made for reading under a shady oak tree with lemonade, in a bubble bath with a latte', or next to a snuggly fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa. Happy Reading!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Excerpt from Chelsea's Diary

I found this written in Chelsea's diary the day after we got back home.
It was open on her bed and I couldn't resist reading (and sharing).
She is only 8 yr old and, for those who know, her b-day and my oldest son's were celebrated as hurricane evacuees.

"Dear Diary:
I did not know it!
After the Hurrikane Reda (Hurricane Rita), it took a long time to get home. Then we got elktrsate (electricity). It was great!! I get to have two partys!"


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