House of Literature Bookmobile

This is the place I share book (movie) selections and reviews I have found worth mentioning. I'll also share gleanings of family life, faith, home education, and ongoing writing projects. Book selections will include children's books, books on home education, Catholic books, classics, series, raising children, and books that are made for reading under a shady oak tree with lemonade, in a bubble bath with a latte', or next to a snuggly fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa. Happy Reading!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

2006 Realization

It just hit me that we start back our school schedule (for what it is) this coming week.
I am not at all ready...

The house is still decorated in Christmas garnish and will be until Epiphany.
There are new toys scattered in every room and the children have been learning lots from using them all but the house is cluttered!

I always like to make a fresh start when we restart our school schedule (for what it is).
We won't be home much New Year's Day or the day after. I don't see the house being in order by Tuesday.

I just don't feel ready...


  • At 9:23 AM, Blogger Maureen said…

    Then don't start back until the day after the Epiphany ;-)

  • At 4:01 PM, Blogger Cay Gibson said…

    Yes, I could, but there is a husband to answer to. : )

    I think these are the times you tell everyone sitting around the New Year's dinner table that you are starting back to school this week and, when the week begins, you...unschool. ;)


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