House of Literature Bookmobile

This is the place I share book (movie) selections and reviews I have found worth mentioning. I'll also share gleanings of family life, faith, home education, and ongoing writing projects. Book selections will include children's books, books on home education, Catholic books, classics, series, raising children, and books that are made for reading under a shady oak tree with lemonade, in a bubble bath with a latte', or next to a snuggly fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa. Happy Reading!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

New Blog Deal

I'm experimenting with a new blog service. It isn't a permanent thing...yet. I'm still trying to get a feel for it and see if I like it. I'm very attached to

The first post at my new site will tell you the reasons for the change.

I will keep this blog open for book reviews and literary ideas. Afterall, the bookmobile cannot go unattended. LOL

Click here to visit: Cay's Cajun Cottage


  • At 8:59 AM, Blogger Stef said…

    hi cay! you will love typepad, i think.... but i have to put a word in for wordpress! i went from blogger to movable type to wordpress and i'm not turning back!

    this is stef btw:D

  • At 9:04 AM, Blogger Cay Gibson said…

    movable type???

    I'm a little ignorant here.

  • At 10:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So Cay, it's been more than a month. Can we assume the move is permanent?

  • At 10:17 AM, Blogger Cay Gibson said…

    >> Can we assume the move is permanent?>>

    Yea, I think it's safe to say...
    check my new blog here
    Two months and going strong. : )

  • At 9:03 AM, Blogger Norma said…

    I hope you'll stay with blogger. I have 10 blogs (all with blogger) and 1 on another service, which will remain nameless. I get so frustrated with other services when I visit other bloggers. Just because they can mess up the template doesn't make it easier to read!

  • At 6:46 PM, Blogger Boreal said…

    I thought you might want to know that Domestic-Church.Com has added two new sister sites:

    These sites contain the contents of two of our "In the Domestic Church" books published by Ignatius.


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