House of Literature Bookmobile

This is the place I share book (movie) selections and reviews I have found worth mentioning. I'll also share gleanings of family life, faith, home education, and ongoing writing projects. Book selections will include children's books, books on home education, Catholic books, classics, series, raising children, and books that are made for reading under a shady oak tree with lemonade, in a bubble bath with a latte', or next to a snuggly fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa. Happy Reading!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Still Not Ready...

We are not ready for school today.

Well, I'm not anyway. I simply don't feel like I can start school with the Christmas decorations still up. And I'm not being sentimental. This house simply needs an overhaul and good clean-up job before I can feel motivated to do table-time school with them because, ya know, I'm one of those who believes that children are learning something new everyday anyway, because I know I do, so I really don't sweat the issue.

I still want to make sure I'm providing the learning tools and environment for them. So I pulled out some living math books last night and the plans are to:

1) get back on reading fairy tales again so I'll have something to discuss at the new fairy tale blog
2) do a daily game from Catholic Math Activities
3) read plenty of books
4) get out the Montessori trays
5) have them write and illustrate a story this week
6) let them play outside all afternoon since the weather is suppose to be gorgeous this week

Gameboy (he's somewhere between 6th & 7th grade) told me last night he did plan to do his table-time work this morning so he could go golfing with friends this afternoon.

Somehow...along the way...I think I have taught him diligence.


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